Communiqué of the Ministry – ICJ

Algeria has noted with satisfaction the International Court of Justice (ICJ)'s order for the Zionist entity to immediately halt its military aggression on Rafah.
The order comes in the wake of the decision issued by the same international court, in the context of the examination of South Africa's complaint about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and the decision of the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court opening the procedure for issuing international arrest warrants against the main perpetrators of the Zionist aggression on Gaza.
The latest developments mark the beginning of the end of the long-standing impunity of the Zionist entity, which has subjected the Palestinian people to the horrors of occupation, colonization and discrimination, with the denial of their inalienable and imprescriptible national rights.
Algeria calls upon the UN Security Council to give effect to the International Court of Justice's order and make it enforceable, putting an end to the crimes perpetrated by the Zionist occupation forces against the population of Gaza, especially in Rafah.